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AromaStick Packages


Jürg Singer先生演讲稿)


[1] Schneider, R., Singer, N., Singer, T. (2019). 再谈医用芳香疗法——基本原理、标准和新进展Medical aromatherapy revisited—Basic mechanisms, critique, and a new development. 人类病理学:临床与试验 Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, Vol. 34, No. 1.

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[9] Cohen, J. (1992). 显微技术入门A power primer. 心理学期刊Psychological Bulletin. 112, 155–159.

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[11]Schneider, R.(2016a). 空气中有某样东西: 测试一种新的嗅觉减压方法(AromaStick)的功效There is something in the air: Testing the efficacy of a new olfactory stress relief method (AromaStick$). Stress Health, 2016, 32, 411–426.

[12]Schneider, R.(2017b) 一种新的呼吸新鲜空气的方法:使用AromaStick的芳香嗅棒可增加血氧饱和度。结论来自一项比较有前瞻性、试验可控的研究,该研究包括对健康人群的试验。A breath of fresh air: Arterial blood oxygen saturation is increased upon the use of an essential oil inhaler (AromaStick$). Results from a prospective, controlled, experimental study involving healthy individuals. Current Respiratory Medicine Review, 13, 213–220.

[13]Schneider, R.(2017a). 从疼痛到愉悦:AromaStick公司新开发的一种能降低疼痛并增加幸福感的芳香疗法精油嗅棒,结论来自两项随机文献对照研究From pain to pleasure: A newly developed essential oil inhaler (AromaStick$) alters pain dynamics and increases well-being. Results from two randomized, controlled documentation studies. Current Psychopharmacology, 6, 136–147.

[14]Schneider, R.(2019). AromaStick公司的芳香疗法嗅棒可有效缓解季节性、过敏性鼻炎:结论来自一项随机、可控、双盲疗效试验Seasonal allergic rhinitis is effectively assuaged with an essential oil inhaler (AromaStick$): Results from a randomized, controlled, double-blind effectiveness trial. The Natural Products Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1.

[15]Schneider R. (2016b). 直接使用AromaStick公司研发的多气味配方的专用嗅棒既可以延长注意力又能加强视觉扫描速度Direct application of specially formulated scent compositions (AromaStick$) prolongs attention and enhances visual scanning speed. Applied Cognitive Psychology,30, 650–654.

AromaStick Choices
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